Sugar Waxing
All natural organic paste. Zero chemicals.
Improves the ability to refine and diminish hair growth.
Won't burn skin as its barely lukewarm.
Natural healer to the skin
No more broken hair
Will never adhere to live skin cells
Skin is left feeling soft.
Removes hair after 7-10 days of growth (1/16")
Can contain resins.
Hair breakage resulting in early regrowth.
Painful and traumatizing to client.
Can burn or bruise the skin.
Will adhere to live skin cells.
Can create ingrown problems.
Client can feel uncomfortable for period of time.
Requires 1/4" regrowth minimum.​
What is Sugaring & How Does It Differ From Waxing
Know before you Sugar
Before Sugaring
After Care
Hair follicles can remain open for up to 12 hours after sugaring.
Recommended for first 12 hours after sugaring use only Simply tone and Simply hydrate:
​​​ : Keep area clean, from makeup, dirt sweat, products with oils, perfumes or other type of lotions.
​ : Avoid tight clothing, hot tubs, sun beds, gym or any other activity that makes you perspire.
DO NOT exfoliate 24 hours AFTER sugaring
​DO NOT wax or shave area 7-10 days before FIRST sugaring
DO NOT exfoliate 24 hours BEFORE sugaring
MUST WAIT after treatment or procedures before sugaring:
: Micro-dermabrasion, wait 3 days
: Peels or Intense Pulse Light, wait 7 days
: Alpha Hydroxy Acid or Vitamin C, 2 weeks
: Retin-A, wait 5 weeks
: Accutane, wait minimum 6 months
Maintenance between treatments
3-4 weeks
Full Leg $85
1/2 Leg $45
Toes $10
Feet $15
Nape $20
Stomach Strip $10
Underarm $20​
Maintenance between treatments
3-8 weeks
Full Arm $40
1/2 Arm $28
Hands $20
Fingers $12
Maintenance between treatments
3-4 weeks
Chin $15
Cheeks $20
Eyebrows $19
Forehead $15
Full Face $68
Lip $15
Neck $20
Sideburns $12
Maintenance between treatments 3-4 weeks
Bikini Side only $30
Bikini Extended